Thursday, March 19, 2015

M4 Blogging Assignment: Flipcharts

Jeopardy Social Studies Resources

Flipcharts are a technology use based on problem solving. Roblyer and Doering (2013) list several strategies to address unmotivated students through the use of technology. The Jeopardy flipchart will gain students’ attention and encourage them to work cooperatively in groups (p. 25). Roblyer and Doering go on to say that collaborative work and digital media literacy are key trends in educational applications (p. 28). Using tools like the Jeopardy flipchart allow students to work in teams. This exercise could also be set up where one group of students is responsible for creating the questions and two or more groups compete to answer them.

Roblyer and Doering (2013) describe several essential conditions for technology integration. Access to hardware and software as well as access to technical assistance is important to successfully use this product in the classroom (p. 67-68). Interactive whiteboards are replacing traditional chalkboards in the classroom. The whiteboard hardware also requires a computer and projector so the information can be shown on the screen. In most cases, software is even more important than hardware for successful implementation of educational technology. With the interactive whiteboards, "companies that market interactive whiteboards provide the software as a free download to those who purchase their whiteboards" (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 147). For the interactive whiteboard products, you need both the hardware and the software to successfully implement the product. 

In the case of the Jeopardy game, students might have to use research and reference tools to come up with the answer. As the text describes, developments in software support tools  such as cell phones and other handheld technologies make it easier for students and teachers to gather information (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 142). Flipcharts and other interactive media can help students learn and get more involved in the material.