Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Basic Three Software

   Software tools allow teachers to be more productive in the classroom. Proper use of these resources helps teachers use preparation time more efficiently. In Chapter four of Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching, Roblyer and Doering (2013) state that “software tools make it easier to keep precise, accurate records of events and student accomplishments” (p. 113). Software also makes it easier for teachers to collaborate with each other as well as their students.

Word Processing Software 
    Word processing software is the most widely used software in education (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 116). This is probably due to the fact that word processing software is versatile and easy to use. Teachers can create worksheets, tests, and handouts with word processing software. Students can create reports and edit documents with word processing software as well. There are different views on when students should start using word processing software (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 119). Since I am planning to teach at the secondary level, this should not be an issue. By sixth grade, students should be comfortable utilizing this software. Reviewing papers will be easier if students submit word processed papers versus hand-written ones. By requiring students to utilize word processing software, I am helping prepare for life beyond secondary school. 

Spreadsheet Software
   Spreadsheet software helps teachers to organize information, run “what if” scenarios, and track grades and budgets (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 122). The textbook also describes uses for spreadsheet software in teaching mathematics. Since I am planning to teach social studies courses, I am not sure how much I will use spreadsheet software in my class presentations. However, I can see the importance of utilizing spreadsheets to track student performance and help students understand their grades.

Presentation Software 
   Presentation software is used to “enhance the impact of spoken information” (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 128). Teachers use presentation software to give students visual images of topics being discussed. The slides can contain summary information, infographics, practice screens, book reports, and even student presentations (p. 130-133). It is important for teachers to use the slides as a tool and not rely on them to convey the entire message to the class. We have all been in a presentation where the leader has simply read the power points to the class. This is not an effective use of the software. Teachers should use presentation software to improve the discussion. Presentation software can also be used by students to present information to the class.

Classroom Use
   I will definitely use presentation software in my class. It is important to give the students visual aids that complement the discussion. Additionally, I will have students prepare presentations for the class using presentation software. This will give students an opportunity to research different topics in social studies. Presentation software will allow students to work in groups or individually to show what they have learned. Here is a link to a sixth grade social studies presentation via presentation software:Sixth Grade Social Studies Presentation