Thursday, April 9, 2015

M5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Social Studies Classroom

Advantages of Integrating Technology:
Technology in the social science classroom is important. Roblyer and Doering (2013) state that “as an area that focuses on the interconnections of people and the earth, social studies education has been affected by the impact of technology perhaps more than any other content area” (p. 334). There are many opportunities to incorporate technology into the social science classroom. Technology motivates and engages students, supports different learning needs, and prepares students for future learning (Roblyer and Doering, 26). Teachers can make history “come alive” by having students create videos or podcasts of historical events.

Disadvantages of Integrating Technology:
Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching emphasizes the changes that technology has on the classroom by stating that “Both teachers and students must have the skills and knowledge that will prepare them to meet these new challenges and use these new and powerful strategies” (Roblyer and Doering, 19). While the disadvantages of integrating technology into the classroom are small in comparison to the advantages, they do exist. It is possible for schools to go overboard on implementing technology. Although the article describes this at the school level, this can happen in the social studies classroom as well. Technology does not need to replace teacher/student or student/student interaction in the classroom. Roblyer and Doering (2013) discuss the use of Wikipedia in the social studies classroom (p. 344). I agree with Harouni’s position that Wikipedia can hamper research efforts in social studies classrooms. However, teachers are also responsible for discussing proper web-based research techniques with students. If students understand the importance of using verifiable sources in their research, then this should not be a widespread issue.  

Specific Activities and Programs
Knoema: Online encyclopedia for geography and social science research
Ancient History Encyclopedia: Online encyclopedia for history 
Icivics: Interactive civics games

Doering, A. H.. & Roblyer, M.D. (2013) Integrating educational technology into teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

M4 Blogging Assignment: Flipcharts

Jeopardy Social Studies Resources

Flipcharts are a technology use based on problem solving. Roblyer and Doering (2013) list several strategies to address unmotivated students through the use of technology. The Jeopardy flipchart will gain students’ attention and encourage them to work cooperatively in groups (p. 25). Roblyer and Doering go on to say that collaborative work and digital media literacy are key trends in educational applications (p. 28). Using tools like the Jeopardy flipchart allow students to work in teams. This exercise could also be set up where one group of students is responsible for creating the questions and two or more groups compete to answer them.

Roblyer and Doering (2013) describe several essential conditions for technology integration. Access to hardware and software as well as access to technical assistance is important to successfully use this product in the classroom (p. 67-68). Interactive whiteboards are replacing traditional chalkboards in the classroom. The whiteboard hardware also requires a computer and projector so the information can be shown on the screen. In most cases, software is even more important than hardware for successful implementation of educational technology. With the interactive whiteboards, "companies that market interactive whiteboards provide the software as a free download to those who purchase their whiteboards" (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 147). For the interactive whiteboard products, you need both the hardware and the software to successfully implement the product. 

In the case of the Jeopardy game, students might have to use research and reference tools to come up with the answer. As the text describes, developments in software support tools  such as cell phones and other handheld technologies make it easier for students and teachers to gather information (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 142). Flipcharts and other interactive media can help students learn and get more involved in the material.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

M3 Blogging Assignment

Search Engine
Search engines allow students to look for information in multiple sources at one time (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 219). It is important for students to learn how to search with Boolean expressions to get more specific search results. Google also has some tips for searching when using their search engine:Google Search Tips. Effective searches by students will make research time more productive. 

Website Evaluation Video
Students have access to multitudes of information on the World Wide Web. While students may be proficient at using social networking sites and other commonly used topics on the web, they might not be well-versed in using the Internet for research. Roblyer and Doering highlight several issues with using the Internet in the classroom. Potential issues include students accessing in appropriate material, security and fraud concerns with students posting information to social networking sites, and copyright and plagiarism issues (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 215 – 216). This video reminds students to evaluate websites for CRAAP: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. I want students to focus on the authority and purpose of information that they are researching. This is especially important in social science topics where facts and opinions can be intertwined. 

Favorite Website #1
Smithsonian Education
The Smithsonian Education website has some great information for middle school history students. I can use this website for additional teaching resources, and students can use the site for research. As Roblyer and Doering (2013) state, “The Internet’s vast information storehouse, unfortunately, contains some information that is incomplete, inaccurate, and/or out of date” (p. 255). I am comfortable with students gathering information off of this website since it is part of the Smithsonian Institute. The website is easy to use, but there is a lot of information available. There is a site map, and the website is easy to navigate. This is an important part of an effective website (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 255).

Favorite Website #2
My favorite website for history class is Wikipedia. This online encyclopedia provides easy access for middle school students. Most of the Wikipedia pages are neatly designed. As Roblyer and Doering (2013) describe, effective websites should have “clear text and graphic links” and “good visual design” (p. 255). One of my favorite characteristics about Wikipedia is the bibliography section. I will show students how to use the bibliography information in Wikipedia to search for other credible sources on topics. I will have my class create a wiki for history topics that we are discussing.

Doering, A.H. & Roblyer, M.D. (2013) Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hypermedia and Multimedia in Education

Commercial Hypermedia Product  
Multimedia and hypermedia tools enhance the classroom experience. There are many different resources for middle school social science. One hypermedia source that I plan to use is Smithsonian Education. On this site, students can explore various history topics and different cultures as well as historical figures. In Chapter six of Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching, Roblyer and Doering (2013) say that “student learning from hypermedia varies based on the design of the materials” (178). Even though students seemed to like the hypermedia experience in the classroom, research states that “quantitative data revealed that more hypermedia was not necessarily better” (178). It is important for instructors to use hypermedia appropriately and not use it as a substitute for instruction.

Chosen Multimedia Authoring Tool
Chapter six of Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching also states that “schools across the country are beginning to use these systems to produce school news programs and to develop digitized video for use in the design and development of hypermedia products" (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 188). Audio and video production and editing system are a great addition to the classroom as “students and teachers are using computer-based videoproduction and editing systems for a variety of purposes” (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 190). With the increased use of camera phones and other recording devices, it is easier than ever before for both students and teachers to create and share videos.
Although podcasts were originally developed to deliver content to students, the use of this type of hypermedia has evolved. Many K-12 classrooms now allow students to produce hypermedia for instruction (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 189). I plan to use multimedia tools to show students historical information, and I also plan to let students create their own videos and podcasts to show what they have learned. 

Doering, A. H.. & Roblyer, M.D. (2013) Integrating educational technology into teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Basic Three Software

   Software tools allow teachers to be more productive in the classroom. Proper use of these resources helps teachers use preparation time more efficiently. In Chapter four of Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching, Roblyer and Doering (2013) state that “software tools make it easier to keep precise, accurate records of events and student accomplishments” (p. 113). Software also makes it easier for teachers to collaborate with each other as well as their students.

Word Processing Software 
    Word processing software is the most widely used software in education (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 116). This is probably due to the fact that word processing software is versatile and easy to use. Teachers can create worksheets, tests, and handouts with word processing software. Students can create reports and edit documents with word processing software as well. There are different views on when students should start using word processing software (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 119). Since I am planning to teach at the secondary level, this should not be an issue. By sixth grade, students should be comfortable utilizing this software. Reviewing papers will be easier if students submit word processed papers versus hand-written ones. By requiring students to utilize word processing software, I am helping prepare for life beyond secondary school. 

Spreadsheet Software
   Spreadsheet software helps teachers to organize information, run “what if” scenarios, and track grades and budgets (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 122). The textbook also describes uses for spreadsheet software in teaching mathematics. Since I am planning to teach social studies courses, I am not sure how much I will use spreadsheet software in my class presentations. However, I can see the importance of utilizing spreadsheets to track student performance and help students understand their grades.

Presentation Software 
   Presentation software is used to “enhance the impact of spoken information” (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 128). Teachers use presentation software to give students visual images of topics being discussed. The slides can contain summary information, infographics, practice screens, book reports, and even student presentations (p. 130-133). It is important for teachers to use the slides as a tool and not rely on them to convey the entire message to the class. We have all been in a presentation where the leader has simply read the power points to the class. This is not an effective use of the software. Teachers should use presentation software to improve the discussion. Presentation software can also be used by students to present information to the class.

Classroom Use
   I will definitely use presentation software in my class. It is important to give the students visual aids that complement the discussion. Additionally, I will have students prepare presentations for the class using presentation software. This will give students an opportunity to research different topics in social studies. Presentation software will allow students to work in groups or individually to show what they have learned. Here is a link to a sixth grade social studies presentation via presentation software:Sixth Grade Social Studies Presentation